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There are multiple ways to install Argon, all of them are quick and easy!

  • Server - the main part of Argon that runs on your computer
  • Client - the Roblox Studio plugin that connects to the server

Server Installation

No matter which method you choose, your system PATH variable will update automatically

CLI and VS Code extension

  1. Search for the Argon in the extension tab or go here
  2. Click Install
  3. Make sure Argon completes installation by pressing Ctrl/ + Shift + P and selecting Argon: Open Menu
  4. If there are no error messages you are done!

Client Installation

It is recommended to skip this step as by default the Argon plugin gets installed automatically with the CLI and VS Code extension. It also enables automatic plugin updates!

  1. Open Toolbox inside Roblox Studio and go to the Creator Store
  2. Set filter to Plugins and type Argon
  3. Click on it, press Install and done!


Argon checks for updates and installs them automatically every time you run it. If there is a new version available you will be prompted for confirmation or just notified that the update got installed depending on the settings.

If you skipped custom client installation Roblox Studio plugin will update automatically as well!

You can force check for updates by running:

argon update
  • In order to make plugin update without restarting Roblox Studio you need to enable Reload plugins on file changed setting under File > Studio Settings > Directories
  • Automatic updates are only available if you have installed Argon from GitHub or you are using the VS Code extension


Argon has been designed and compiled for:

  • Windows (x86 and ARM)
  • macOS (x86 and ARM)
  • Linux (x86)

Only 64-bit systems are supported!


There is no separate binary for Windows ARM but the x86 one works just fine thanks to the Windows' translation layer